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Monday, June 13, 2011


Look at this mess - & yeah, there's a ball of 80 DMC vintage & my metal Boye in there..Do you know what this means????? It means I have free time! It means Mom's Pink Doily is DONE. Finished. WOOHOOO!! :) Not that it was bad to make, just that for some reason it wouldn't come together for ME lol

I know you can't see it very well on my blocking board, but it's there. It's done, it's drying, & it's about to attach to the purse below here.

I wish I could figure out how to rotate my pictures! I couldn't get the whole bag in the picture without turning my camera. It's really a nice dark teal color, if it doesn't show up on your screen. I'm going to sew MPD to the front, if I can figure out a way to remove the liner & get it back in without totally destroying this bag. I bought it for $3 at Wal Mart on clearnance & decided I didn't like it plain. I may sell it, I may keep it. Who knows?

 This is what I did today. It's from a scan of an old WorkBasket Magazine. I don't have the magazine anymore.... Finished up it's about 2 1/2 inches long. A little long for the intended thought, which was to maybe add beads & maybe a dangly thing for an earring. Maybe a pendant? I only did green because it's called a leaf in the pattern... I usually like to do the first try at something in the intended color, by the directions. That way I know how the pattern works when I decide to change it.
Hmmmm.... Any ideas??
I'm going to fiddle with it a little more. That & I'm starting a new doily pattern from a book I have. I'll show you that later.
Enjoy your day :)

1 comment:

  1. I like your little green leafy thing! Pretty!

    Congratulations on finishing a project that kept biting your ankles! Sometimes it just goes like that... I KNOW!

    Fox : )


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