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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Strep Throat, Snuggles, & Tatting... Sort of...

So... Tuesday I had to take my little girl to the doctor - a 102 Degree (farenheit) fever for 3 days worries a parent, ya know? - & turns out, she has her first case of strep throat... 1 week before her 2nd birthday! Of course as soon as we walked in the door of the doctor's office, her fever was gone & she felt fine. But, she got some of that awesome pink medicine that all little kids love (including me) with strict orders for lots of fluids & stay in the house time for the next 10 days. Which is great for someone with a child that doesn't LOVE being outside. For those of us with babies that were practically born in the barn, it STINKS. "Outside? Outside? Mama! Outside! MAMA OUTSIDE PLEASE OUTSIDE!!" has been the standard war cry around here for the last few days. And the cherry on top?? Now *I* have a 104 degree fever & honestly, if my head fell off right at my shoulders, I wouldn't mind. Maybe hitting the floor would make the throbbing stop. Fortunately, I've been the lucky recipient of lots of little girl snuggles & "love mommy"'s the last few days.... Would be nice if she realized braiding my hair with a barbie comb doesn't help, but how could I possible say no when she's being so sweet?? :)
Now for the tatting. Yes, there has been tatting. Up until today - I can't stand to look at anything that long. I promise, I have sunglasses on right now over my glasses so I can stand to look at the computer screen. It hurts that bad. I can't even stand to put my contacts in so I don't look like I'm looking through the bottom of a bottle.... But I'm so bored I have to do *something*, & this happens to require the least movement, & I can do it laying on the couch while Untatter plays on my legs. I'm telling you, she's being strangely sweet... :)
All of these pictures were taken day before yesterday, but the work still looks the same. The work was started (some of it finished) a week or so ago.
 These are earrings.... They're supposed to be snowflakes, but to me they look more like stars... Hmm... they came from my Rebecca Jones book - I love that thing; every time I flip through it, I find something else I haven't seen before! The color is Lizbeth, but I can't remember the name. I just know it's a lovely bright turquoise/teal color.... I might change the colors, but I need to empty these shuttles first :)
 This is what came next... It was supposed to be a pendant to go with the earrings, but I'm not sure it won't be too big once finished. But I like how the motifs surrounding the center make a kind of spoke on a wheel kind of thing..... When I finish it we'll see how big it is...
 This is the bigger project I'm working on. It's "Rose Garden Doily" from Big Book of Tatting. The outer chains are supposed to be white, but I thought green might make it more interesting. It's kind of a pea green, instead of the regular leaf green, but I like it. My pink & yellow are also brighter ones, instead of a rosy mauve color  & a pastel yellow. What can I say, I like to get punched in the face with color occasionally! I wish my camera showed up my colors better!
Here's the picture from the book. It isn't a very great picture, but I basically wanted to show the original color, as opposed to what I'm going to do. Which one do you like better?
I hope ya'll noticed I'm still using sew mates & clovers.... I originally wound my Boyes for this project, but ended up changing them over because I just wasn't enjoying using them anymore. To the point I actually wasn't tatting because of how uncomfortable they were. So maybe I'm a convert. 6 years later, I'm a convert to small post shuttles. Now... I just *hate* plastic! I need something pretty! Something that I'll be able to pass on to Untatter's children & say "this is what's special about this" someday.... It's quite possible that's the reason I clung to the metal Boyes for so long before using the more comfortable shuttles.Hmm... :)
Enjoy your day!
P.S. I should edit - the earrings were finished & taken pictures of a little over a week ago. They're already in my etsy shop... But the rest is pretty accurate. Now I just have to remember to post pictures of the Arches doily - it's finished, in a frame, & I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE it!!! I'm keeping it for myself buahahahahaaaa :)

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