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Monday, April 11, 2011


Okay. The wedding is over (thankfully), Mamaw's birthday is settled, & its Monday. Monday and my house is trashed.... But that's okay because I don't have anywhere I have to be today except at home. And the mess won't leave without me right?? Bills to pay today, checkbook to balance, & oooohhh the dishes....
The wedding went suprisingly well. If you knew the back story you'd understand why I say that. Untatter didn't carry her basket slowly & drop flowers like you see on tv, but she did run as hard as she could down the aisle & literally jump into Husband's arms. Cuteness in it's truest form I think, but maybe I'm a little biased. The dresses were camoflauge - yep, & they were nice dresses too. Husband's Aunt made them. If I could sew the way she does I wouldn't bother with a day job, but that's just me.
I still don't have pictures to post. Sorry. I will though, I promise! Definitely tatting, maybe a picture of the dress Untatter wore Saturday, & possibly a better profile picture. The lillies are from my "sample pics" file on my computer.
I made a bracelet to go with the shirt I wore to the wedding, but ended up not wearing it because I forgot to starch it before time to leave & some of the chains were floppy because they had seed beads on them. I can't make up my mind whether I like it or not anyway. I'm thinking of selling it or giving it away. If I could sell my tatting it would be wonderful. I don't have grand ideas of making a living at it or anything, I just want  to make enough to buy thread & beads & such. I'm not a designer for the most part, so I wouldn't sell much of another person's work anyway. But it would be nice to sell a few pieces. Another problem with that is I don't really enjoy making jewelery. I like bigger projects & edgings & the like. I've been working on a few ideas & the bobby pins, earrings, bracelets, & things of that nature just don't make me happy. I love the way the few people that have them get excited about them, but actually making the pieces is kind of boring.
Speaking of that, I have a small gripe here. Back during the Christmas season, I made snowflakes for my sister, my aunt, & a few other friends & family members. Sister took hers to work & hung it at her computer (she works at a bank as a teller). Several of the ladies she works with made such a big deal of that one little simple snowflake. Never occurred to me they'd want to buy them! Well low & behold, one woman (according to Sister) pestered her, wanting that particular snowflake. She wouldn't turn loose of it until finally the woman wanted to know how much I'd charge to make her a set of ten to go on her own tree. Now by this time I could whip one of them out in 20 minutes, starch & all & have it done. I knew the pattern by heart. So I said $20 for a set of 10 snowflakes. That's $2 a piece. This is for somebody I wouldn't have to ship to, somebody who isn't actually willing to pay the price for handmade items. But I thought it'd cover my thread & give me some "stash money".
Do you KNOW what that old hag said/??????? "That's too much for something like that. It doesn't cost that much to make & I know it didn't take her long enough that she's going to charge by the hour. Tell her she won't ever sell anything with prices like that for something as little as a Christmas tree decoration."
Needless to say she doesn't have a snowflake & I wouldn't make one for her now if she was in the desert & it'd turn to ice & melt for her to drink.
At any rate, back to my chores. Pictures tomorrow (hopefully).
Enjoy your day!

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