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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Seems all it takes is a little complaining...

Woke up this morning to a terrible storm - so bad that my little area of the world was on the Weather Channel! That never happens! Tornadoes & the like everywhere.... So here I sit with my little laptop at my Daddy's house across the road. I live in a single wide mobile home so it's supposedly safer here for both myself & the Untatter.
Now, the title I wrote has to do with the allergies or cold or sinus infection or whatever it is I have. I complained yesterday & feel much better today. Not 100% yet, but I'm headed that way! Woohoo!
Haven't gotten much tatting done, as it hurt my eyes too. I did work a little while last night on finding the perfect edging for the hankie I'm going ot make. Think I found it. I worked just long enough on my Mom's Pink Doily to snag my thread on the bobbin & have a black mark. Just one black stitch. And because of where the ring was, I had to cut the whole round off & start over, with 2 rings left in the round. So I promptly took a toothbrush & dish soap to the old Boye shuttle & started the round again. Fortunately, I was only on the second round so it wasn't that big of a catastrophe. Irritating, but not terrible.
Why use a metal shuttle if I know that at some point this will happen? Because I have as of yet not found one I like as well. Both for tatting & in my hands it just feels right. I have wood, plastic, bone, metal, horn.... combinations of all of these materials. And for some reason the old metal Boye shuttle with a bobbin & hook is my favorite. I have 4 of them & wouldn't trade them for the world. I won't buy any new ones because they're no longer made in the USA, & I have my own opinions of the moving of factories to places outside this country that we won't go into today. I don't have problems with those countries, i have problems with the US government taking away from its own people. Anyway.... Where was I ??
 I keep plastic sew mates in my purse, & use clovers for smaller thread. I have one made by Rachel Moehler (sorry for the spelling) from teak wood, & one made of bone with leaves carved in it. I have one pop-a-bobbin by Jane Eborall that I like pretty well. But none of them measure up for making anything of any size & I'm not a continual small project kind of girl. So to me, it's worth the extra effort of having to clean them occasionally or risk black marks on my white thread. I don't tat with white thread that often anyway.
(stepping down off my soap box) Enjoy your Day!!

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