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Friday, May 6, 2011

Ooohhh Friday... Dear Friday...

No tatting pics today. I wish I had them, but I didn't get to tat at all yesterday. Not even after Untatter went to bed - because she didn't go to bed until after 10 pm., which is past my bed time as well. Husband worked a 16 hour shift yesterday & didn't come home until well after midnight & as bed time is "their" time, she was a very unhappy Toddler. As I've seen before, Mommy is good enough for morning time, but not bed time.... Ahh, the joys of breaking routine.
Also, my satellite TV is out & won't be fixed until the 14th of May. Next Saturday. Woopee!! No TV for me... Is that good or bad?? :) However, it does mean no Sesame Street for Untatter :(
No updates on the horses, as I haven't seen much of them except at feeding time. Boo.
No weight loss success stories, because I haven't weighed this week - I've been bad on my diet so I'm kind of afraid to! But, I did get informed that my jeans looked "like a family of pigs moved out of the seat" of them. Which I suppose is a compliment; I chose to take it as one.
Oh! I did get a new pair of boots for Mother's Day! I know it isn't here yet, but Husband wanted me to pick them out so I go the ones I wanted. If you wear boots on a daily basis, you know that's a big deal. I love them so far, but they're a different brand than what I've worn for the last 10 or so years, so I'm a little anxious about it. Cross your fingers for me that they stay awsome!
Enjoy your day!

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